BEE TIME Arte para el cambio

Leading agency: BE.TIME Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Sin Ánimo de Lucro
Area of interventions: Climate change
Education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warningRelevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature
Total budget: € 7.263,50
Requested contributions: € 6.537,15
Duration: 5 months
Start and end date(s): 01/03/2019 – 31/07/2019

Summary of the project

Bee Time is an artistic residency program with actions that express the sensitive and sustainable relationship with the environment, making awareness raising activities through art. The program is designed so that artists can immerse themselves in the world of beekeeping and transfer their experience to an artistic work that expands environmental awareness in order to sensitize the public. Bee Time seeks to broaden the cultural background of the local population in order to reconnect it with the environment and to make change in their habits introducing an ecological dimension, generating heritage, knowledge and awareness against the climate change impact in our ecosystems. Through art, the aim is to have a direct impact on the population of Cadiz, promoting a more respectful and sensitive attitude. In addition, activities are carried out to favour environmental awareness and education, always using as a central piece the role played by bees in ecosystems. Finally, the construction of collective learning contexts around natural beekeeping is promoted


Local population: 200
Members of local association: 30
Artists: 10

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