Biocor Andalucía

Leading agency: Asociación de Productores y Consumidores Subbética Ecológica
Area of interventions: Sustainable consumption and production patterns
Total budget: € 31.250
Requested contributions: € 28.125
Duration: 14 months
Start and end date(s): 01/11/2018 – 31/12/2019

Summary of the project

Promoted by Subbética Ecológica, an organic producers and consumers association, “BIOCOR ANDALUCIA” is a project which intends to manage and enrich a socially sustained territorial food governance model through a network of initiatives towards organic production and consumption in the Autonomous Community of Andalucía. The project will be developed for a year and looks to extend the citizenship food autonomy Model that compromises in organic production and consumption within the interprovincial area of Córdoba, Granada, Jaén, Málaga and Seville. Training, creating awareness and empowering engaged people and collectives with self-management tools will allow progress for a proposal which walks hand in hand with the principals and values of an Economy for the Common Good.
Stemming from the experience acquired by the association in the last 10 years and the recognition of the positive impact organic production and consumption, within short distribution channels, has in the general sustainability of the socioeconomic system, and particularly in fighting climate change, BIOCOR ANDALUCÍA wishes to deepen its strategy. By engaging in a collaborative economy, connecting with the multitude of local poles within the territory as to create a platform for knowledge sharing as well as to gain scale and create alliances with likeminded producers within the social economy framework, at a regional, national and international level.


400 individual citizens, 40 political and technical municipal representatives, 20 representatives or members of local entities

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